Phone Interpretation Services

Phone Interpretation Services

Convenient, Cost-Effective Interpreting Services Via Phone

Wondering about phone interpretation and whether it’s right for your event or organization? With this type of interpretation solution, language support is offered over the phone. It’s an ideal solution if a traveling interpreter is not available, or if on-demand interpretation services are needed. Phone interpretation is also referred to as OPI (over-the-phone) interpretation and phone translation. 

Why is phone interpretation desirable? If you’re on a limited budget, you may not have the resources to support a live, in-person interpreter or special equipment. Phone translation allows you to bridge the language gap by having your audiences simply dial a phone and connect directly with a skilled interpreter. It’s a simple solution that’s fast and efficient to implement. 

JR Language offers over-the-phone, on-demand interpretation services in more than 170 languages. Account setup can be accomplished in just one business day or less. Providing your customers and members access to skilled, professional interpreters can help you ensure all their needs are being met.

Providing Interpreter Service By Phone, 24/7

Call our operator

You’ll need our operators phone number and your companies pin number.

Tell us what you need

After providing your pin, let us know what language you need, and if you need to connect to another party


You will be connected to an interpreter of your requested language and can begin

Not all interpretation needs can be planned in advance. Sometimes, you need language support on the fly, whether it’s to help a customer with limited English proficiency during a transaction or to ensure smooth communication during a medical emergency. In these cases, over-the-phone interpretation services from JR Language can be an ideal answer.

Why JR Language?

We have a trained team of telephone interpreters ready to help your customers. Improve customer satisfaction and enhance your organization’s image by offering accurate, professional language assistance around the clock.
Our language services company is able to deliver the multilingual access and support you need all day and all night. Our phone interpreter solutions are available 24 hours, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
You only pay for the services you use, whether they’re scheduled or on-demand. Avoid unnecessary costs while delivering an outstanding level of customer service and support.
If your company has a clientele that speaks multiple languages, 24/7 phone interpreter services are your best bet. That way, you’ll be ready for any language support issue that arises, any time of day.

What Kinds of Organizations Use Phone Interpreting?

Telephone Interpretation Services
Given their affordability and convenience, phone interpretations are a popular choice across a range of industries, organizations, settings, and occasions. These include:

170 Languages Available for Phone Interpreting

Wondering if JR Language has the resources and talent to support your multilingual needs? As a language services company with years of experience, we offer phone interpreting in a wide array of languages—170, in fact. Your business (and customers) will benefit from the convenience of being able to offer immediate language assistance right when it’s needed. Do you require a language not on our list? Just let us know, and we’ll make every effort to accommodate your specifications.
Acehnese Finnish Kunama Russian
Acholi Flemish Kurdish Samoan
Afar Foochow (Fuzhou) Kyrgyz Sango
Afghani French (France) Lao Senthang
Afrikaans French (Canadian) Latvian Serbian
Akan French Creole Lautu Shanghainese
Akateco Fukienese Lingala Shona
Albanian Fulani Lithuanian Sichuan
American Sign Language (ASL) Fulde Lorma Sicilian
Amharic Fuzhou Luganda Sinhalese
Anuak Ga Luo Siyin
Arabic Garre Maay-Maay Slovak
Armenian Georgian Macedonian Slovene
Ashanti German Malay Somali
Assyrian Greek Malayalam Somali Bantu
Azeri Guarani Mam Soninke
Bahasa (Malaysian) Gujarati Mandinka Soranî (Kurdish)
Bambara Hainanese Mara Sousou
Bashkir Haitian Creole Marathi Spanish
Basque Hakka (Chinese) Marshallese Swahili
Bassa Harar Matu Swedish
Belarusian Hassaniya Mbay Sylheti
Bengali Hausa Mende Tagalog (Filipino)
Bosnian Hebrew Mien Taiwanese
Bulgarian Hindi Mina Tajik
Burmese Hmong Mixteco Tamil
Cambodian Hokkien Moldovan Tarahumara
Cape Verde Creole Hungarian Mongolian Telugu
Carolinian Icelandic Montenegrin Temne
Catalan Igbo More Teochew
Cebuano Ilocano Mushunguli Thai
Chaldean Ilonggo Navajo Tibetan
Chamorro Indonesian Nepali Tigrinya
Chao-Chow Italian Norwegian Toisanese
Cherokee Japanese Nuer Tongan
Chin Jarai Oromifa Tosk
Chinese Cantonese K’iche’ Pashto Trukese/Chuukese
Chinese Mandarin Kannada Patois (Jamaican) Turkish
Choujo Karen Pennsylvania Dutch (Pennsylvania German) Twi
Chuj Karenni (Kayah) Pidgin (Cameroonian) Ukrainian
Chuukese Kazakh Pidgin (Nigerian) Urdu
Cotocoli (Tem) Khmer Polish Uzbek
Croatian Kikongo Ponapean/Pohnpeian Vietnamese
Czech Kikuyu Portuguese (Brazilian) Visayan
Danish Kinyamulenge Portuguese (European) Wolof
Dari Kinyarwanda Portuguese Creole Xhosa
Dinka Kirundi Pulaar Yapese
Dioula Kissi Punjabi Yiddish
Dutch Kizigua (Kizigula) Q’eqchi’ Yoruba
Edo Korean Q’anjob’al Yup’ik
Estonian Kosraean Quechua Zapotec
Ewe Krahn Rohingya Zulu
Farsi Krio Romanian

Phone Interpretation Services Tailored to Your Needs

Interpretation Services Remote Phone
JR Language is proud to help individuals and organizations communicate more effectively and seamlessly through our professional phone interpretation services. When you call us, we’ll take the time to listen to your unique challenges and provide personalized recommendations for your business.

Which type of phone interpretation solution do you need? We offer two solution types to help you solve your multilingual communication issues—quickly and cost-effectively:

One-time phone interpretation services are typically used for a single event, whether it’s a business conference call or parent-teacher school meeting.

Ongoing phone interpretation services are pre-established, with your own dedicated, toll-free phone number. You get a special access code assigned just for your organization, which allows you to maintain strict oversight of your usage. You only pay for the services and the languages you use on a monthly basis—no surprises or hidden costs.

3 Steps to Setting Up a Phone Interpreting Account

JR Language is proud to help individuals and organizations communicate more effectively and seamlessly through our professional phone interpretation services. When you call us, we’ll take the time to listen to your unique challenges and provide personalized recommendations for your business.
Phone Translation Services

After your account is created, you’ll have the ability to call the phone number we assign to you. Use your code to be instantly connected with one of our professional interpreters in the language desired. Once you’re connected with an interpreter, you’ll continue to talk directly to the customer, with pauses that allow time for the translation in between.

With on-demand access to multiple languages, you’ll have the power to help all customers and callers—no matter their native language. Rest assured that all conversations between callers and our interpreters are carried out using industry best practices and remain strictly confidential.

Compliance-Trained Medical Phone Interpreters

Phone Interpreration

Today’s healthcare organizations are held to high standards of patient privacy and confidentiality. At JR Language, our skilled medical interpreters are extensively trained in healthcare compliance requirements. Their scope of training includes Complete medical interpreter testing and credentialing

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Learn More about Phone Interpretation

For more information about Phone Interpretation Services,
call us today at 647-952-2090
or send us an e-mail to